Project posted by Pandemic Design Studio

The Oakland Residence Master Bath

House (Single Residence)
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath 2
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath 2
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath 3
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath 3
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath Close Up
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath Close Up
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath Before
Node Wall Oakland Residence Master Bath Before


Niki Oakland

From Pandemic Design Studio

After recently moving into their new house right on the edge of Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho, the client decided that she needed to add a wow piece to her master bath but not just any wow piece. This bathroom boasted pristine views of the lake and nature and she wanted to bring some of that indoors with a feature greenwall. After searching online, she found The Node Collection - a manageable and modern ceramic wall planter system.

She was interested in the unique shape and the configuration potential and she also wanted to support a product that was made in The USA. The client contacted me to design a custom Node Wall for her bathroom and after our initial discovery call, I got to work on multiple design iterations and after some back and forth, we landed on a design she loved and production began. Everything gets done in house, from design to manufacturing, and this really made for a seamless experience.

Nodes hang on a single screw and as an added service, before shipping, all Nodes were laid out horizontally on a painted plywood backer board and all of the hanging screw were located and pre driven. Screws were numbered with their corresponding Node so when the client unboxed everything, all she had to do was hang the plywood backer board with a few screws and then match each Node with its screw. It was a little like color by number and she had it hung in no time!