I.M. Pei's Fountain Place is a 60-story modernist skyscraper in downtown Dallas, Texas. “He used angles, triangles, planes, and prisms to create a seemingly impossible visual space with this building,” says photographer Nikola Olic, who took this image titled  Photo 3 of 12 in 10 I.M. Pei Buildings We Love

10 I.M. Pei Buildings We Love

3 of 12

I.M. Pei's Fountain Place is a 60-story modernist skyscraper in downtown Dallas, Texas. "He used angles, triangles, planes, and prisms to create a seemingly impossible visual space with this building," says photographer Nikola Olic, who took this image titled "Broken." "The view from the east makes the structure seem broken and folded down the middle," he continues.