<i>The Garden Table</i> by Netherlands-based Studio Ossidiana and Giovanni Bellotti of Venice, Italy, is a cast concrete object with bowl-shaped herb beds, a cooking grill, sculpted areas for table games, and tunnels and steps for children to explore. The installation will become a permanent feature of the El Paseo Community Garden, a one-acre volunteer-run garden and green space owned by the nonprofit land trust NeighborSpace and located in a former brownfield in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood.  Photo 8 of 10 in How One Community-Minded Designer Is Tapping the Potential of Chicago’s Vacant Lots

How One Community-Minded Designer Is Tapping the Potential of Chicago’s Vacant Lots

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The Garden Table by Netherlands-based Studio Ossidiana and Giovanni Bellotti of Venice, Italy, is a cast concrete object with bowl-shaped herb beds, a cooking grill, sculpted areas for table games, and tunnels and steps for children to explore. The installation will become a permanent feature of the El Paseo Community Garden, a one-acre volunteer-run garden and green space owned by the nonprofit land trust NeighborSpace and located in a former brownfield in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood.