At Home with Mikey DeTemple

Huckberry Ambassador Mikey DeTemple shows us around his Montauk home and gives us a few tips for feathering the nest.
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Just after Hurricane Matthew kicked up the East Coast in early October, we headed to Montauk to visit Mikey DeTemple at his home. Mikey is a professional surfer, filmmaker and Huckberry Ambassador, with a distinctive style on, and off, the board.With a classic maritime feel and plenty of windows to let the light in, Mikey’s home is the quintessential East Coast summer escape, though it’s the kind of place we could easily see ourselves living in year round. It’s a second floor studio with a wraparound deck, plenty of room for board storage and it’s a short drive to Ditch Plains beach, which is where we headed directly afterwards to catch what was left of Hurricane Matthew. We talked with Mikey about his approach to decorating his house, tips on living in a small space and where he finds his one-of-a-kind objects.

Huckberry: First off, can you tell us about your place, the design aesthetic and how long have you lived there? 

Mikey DeTemple: I've lived in this space with my wife Lisa for almost four years. Naturally, without anything in it, the space is amazing. It feels like a mix between living on a boat and living in a tree house.

What’s your favorite thing about your place?

MD: Definitely the light. There's so much light, and it goes through so many different moods through the day. 

Where did your appreciation for design and decorating come from? Did you have anyone influential in your life when it comes to design?

MD: I'm not quite sure where it came from. I'm a very organized person to start, so I think that's where a lot of it comes from. Everything has to serve a purpose and be functional. Function is key in a small space.

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Tell us about some of your favorite places to find goods for your apartment.

MD: Almost everything in our apartment is vintage. Mostly from local estate sales. It's fun digging into the local paper and stopping at all the sales on a Saturday morning. It's even better when you find something good.

Any good advice for shopping estate sales?

MD: If it says baby clothes or jewelry in the listing, I normally skip it.

How collaborative are you and your wife when it comes to designing the space?

MD: I go a little overboard when it comes to nautical stuff... No pun intended. She keeps me in check, for sure otherwise the whole place would be nautical flags and anchors. Actually, I think I just described our place. But seriously, she has great taste, we're always on the same page. I actually think she's found some of my favorite things in our place. 

Is there a certain object or thing that you’ve had a long time that’s the most meaningful in your apartment? 

MD: I have a few things on the wall that were my Dad's. The ship’s clock, and ships bell were both his.

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Is there anything that you wish you had for your place that you don’t?

MD: It used to have a wood burning stove in it. I desperately wish it were still here. 

Anything in particular you look for in an apartment or home? Favorite features? 

MD: Light is always important. High ceilings, beams, anything with a little character. You can do anything with good bones.

[H] Originally published at

Words by Mikey DeTemple. Photos by John Peabody

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At Home with Mikey DeTemple - Photo 6 of 6 -
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