Two Oda Lamps by Sebastian Herkener create a soft glow on the raised dais, while two paintings reminiscent of Jean-Michel Basquiat liven up the space. Read explained that because of the number of closeups in television, backgrounds run the risk of seeming  Photo 6 of 10 in Here’s How Hollywood Builds a Malibu Dream Home—on a Vancouver Soundstage

Here’s How Hollywood Builds a Malibu Dream Home—on a Vancouver Soundstage

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Two Oda Lamps by Sebastian Herkener create a soft glow on the raised dais, while two paintings reminiscent of Jean-Michel Basquiat liven up the space. Read explained that because of the number of closeups in television, backgrounds run the risk of seeming "dead." She says, "In every direction, there has to be a party going on because the lens need something to feature."