Outdoor, Small Patio, Porch, Deck, and Stone Patio, Porch, Deck Téa gets mom ready for her close-up on the curvy nature-meets-industry chaise lounge of the architects’ own design. The landscaping in front and out back is characterized by sturdy, resilient, and drought-resistant plants like bamboo and cacti, cultivated in galvanized steel planters.  Photo 5 of 9 in How This Couple Broke The Rules in a LA Suburb

How This Couple Broke The Rules in a LA Suburb

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Téa gets mom ready for her close-up on the curvy nature-meets-industry chaise lounge of the architects’ own design. The landscaping in front and out back is characterized by sturdy, resilient, and drought-resistant plants like bamboo and cacti, cultivated in galvanized steel planters.