Architect Don Erickson's father commissioned him to design the home in the early 1950s, leading to Erickson's departure from the fellowship with Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin East. As one of Erickson's first commissions, the property also kickstarted a decades-long career designing other homes and buildings near Chicago.  Photo 1 of 14 in A Big and Bright Midcentury Home by Frank Lloyd Wright Apprentice Don Erickson Asks $595K

A Big and Bright Midcentury Home by Frank Lloyd Wright Apprentice Don Erickson Asks $595K

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Architect Don Erickson's father commissioned him to design the home in the early 1950s, leading to Erickson's departure from a fellowship with Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin in Spring Green, Wisconsin. As one of Erickson's first solo commissions, the property also kickstarted his decades-long career designing other homes and buildings near Chicago.