Kitchen, Light Hardwood Floor, Ceiling Lighting, Pendant Lighting, Refrigerator, Cooktops, Drop In Sink, and Laminate Cabinet Since the main living space has to function as both a bedroom and a family room, Krastev and Nikolova make do without a couch. When the family watches TV or reads, they cozy up on the bed or sit on the built-in bench, which also serves as a dining and play area. “When in a limited space, you have to really think: What do we do in this room, what do we need?” says Krastev. “Do we really need a coffee table?” In their case, the answer was no.  Photo 1 of 5 in 4 Decluttering Tips From Organizing Master Marie Kondo from All Together Now

4 Decluttering Tips From Organizing Master Marie Kondo

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Since the main living space has to function as both a bedroom and a family room, Krastev and Nikolova make do without a couch. When the family watches TV or reads, they cozy up on the bed or sit on the built-in bench, which also serves as a dining and play area. “When in a limited space, you have to really think: What do we do in this room, what do we need?” says Krastev. “Do we really need a coffee table?” In their case, the answer was no.