Kent Monkman Home dining room

15 Masterful Art Collectors’ Homes That Let the Work Shine

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A carefully crafted studio serves as the home and workplace of painter Kent Monkman. The artist sanctuary in Toronto is swathed in white walls with strategic lighting to be able to take in every brushstroke. The home makes use of an open plan with his studio, office, living room, and dining room all in one place. Plywood sits behind drywall so that he may hang art anywhere he pleases. It also makes way for a gallery when collectors and curators visit. The 3,300-square-foot loft is largely the work of architectural designer Jason Halter, formerly of Bruce Mau Design, where he’d worked on a range of projects from MoMA signage to a sweeping urban park with Rem Koolhaas. He explains that every element in the home was done out of necessity so that it may properly function as an artist’s studio.