VERDI was founded with the intention to recover a legacy: after the death of their father Carlos Vera Dieppa, a leading textile designer who developed a technique to interweave natural and copper threads, brother and sister Tomás and Cristina Vera tracked down their father’s looms and the weavers who originally worked with him. VERDI’s rugs, which bring together materials like alpaca wool, copper, stainless steel, and fique fiber (made from a native Andean plant), shimmer and shift with changing light and perspective.  Photo 7 of 19 in Here’s Why You Should Be Paying Close Attention to Colombia’s Design Scene

Here’s Why You Should Be Paying Close Attention to Colombia’s Design Scene

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VERDI was founded with the intention to recover a legacy: after the death of their father Carlos Vera Dieppa, a leading textile designer who developed a technique to interweave natural and copper threads, brother and sister Tomás and Cristina Vera tracked down their father’s looms and the weavers who originally worked with him. VERDI’s rugs, which bring together materials like alpaca wool, copper, stainless steel, and fique fiber (made from a native Andean plant), shimmer and shift with changing light and perspective.