Living Room, Rug Floor, Chair, Standard Layout Fireplace, and Table Lighting In a converted church in Connecticut, a modern fireplace and mantel design incorporates a ledge that functions as a bench and place for holding artwork or extra firewood. Above the fireplace, a Warhol collage is surrounded by a papier-mâché sculpture of no special provenance, a Vigliaturo glass piece, and a Picasso plate.  Photo 51 of 66 in 66 Outstanding Fireplace Designs for Your Modern Home from At Home in a Modern Church

66 Outstanding Fireplace Designs for Your Modern Home

51 of 66

In a converted church in Connecticut, a modern fireplace and mantel design incorporates a ledge that functions as a bench and place for holding artwork or extra firewood. Above the fireplace, a Warhol collage is surrounded by a papier-mâché sculpture of no special provenance, a Vigliaturo glass piece, and a Picasso plate.