The marble, however, was a tough sell with the architects. "It makes no sense in today's economy and with today's technology to build like that," Scogin says. "So we said, if you were going to do a building in marble today, how would you do it. We came up with the idea of marble shingles as a rain screen." The strategy let the team avoid using caulking, "because that's where marble always fails," Scogin says. They were also able to create a system where one broken single can easily be replaced.  Photo 4 of 9 in Ahead of Its Class

Ahead of Its Class

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The marble, however, was a tough sell with the architects. "It makes no sense in today's economy and with today's technology to build like that," Scogin says. "So we said, if you were going to do a building in marble today, how would you do it. We came up with the idea of marble shingles as a rain screen." The strategy let the team avoid using caulking, "because that's where marble always fails," Scogin says. They were also able to create a system where one broken single can easily be replaced.