Living Room, Chair, Stools, and Rug Floor In addition to its medicinal properties, aloe vera is great for indoor air purification because it harvests carbon dioxide at night, actively improving your air quality while you sleep. However, it can also be toxic for household pets, causing vomiting, depression, diarrhea, anorexia, and tremors in both dogs and cats.  Photo 2 of 7 in 6 Popular Houseplants to Avoid When You Live With Pets

6 Popular Houseplants to Avoid When You Live With Pets

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In addition to its medicinal properties, aloe vera is great for indoor air purification because it harvests carbon dioxide at night, actively improving your air quality while you sleep. However, it can also be toxic for household pets, causing vomiting, depression, diarrhea, anorexia, and tremors in both dogs and cats.