The muted palette of the Mesa Nook rug echoes the color of the stone wall outside Dinnigan’s countryside home. “There are four defined seasons in the year, which makes each stay at the Black Barn Bowral very different,” says Dinnigan. “In spring the property is surrounded by blossoming trees and then by Christmas all the stonefruit is starting to ripen. Autumn brings with it the change of colors and loss of leaves, and winter is bleak but there’s something beautiful about the bleakness.”  Photo 3 of 10 in Uplift Your Home’s In-Between Spaces With These Handmade Rugs

Uplift Your Home’s In-Between Spaces With These Handmade Rugs

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The muted palette of the Mesa Nook rug echoes the color of the stone wall outside Dinnigan’s countryside home. "There are four defined seasons in the year, which makes each stay at the Black Barn Bowral very different," says Dinnigan. "In spring the property is surrounded by blossoming trees and then by Christmas all the stonefruit is starting to ripen. Autumn brings with it the change of colors and loss of leaves, and winter is bleak but there’s something beautiful about the bleakness."