Kitchen, Medium Hardwood Floor, Wall Oven, Pendant Lighting, Range Hood, Wood Backsplashe, Granite Counter, and White Cabinet “Riftcut oak panels are used in woodworking and on some kitchen walls,” said Tremblay. The design of the cabinets is by Tremblay’s firm, Boom Town, with fabrication by Atelier Boisteck. Stools by Arteriors are lined in front of a granite countertop from Costa Esmeralda.  Photos from Chalet Lac Gate


“Riftcut oak panels are used in woodworking and on some kitchen walls,” said Tremblay. The design of the cabinets is by Tremblay’s firm, Boom Town, with fabrication by Atelier Boisteck. Stools by Arteriors are lined in front of a granite countertop from Costa Esmeralda.