The house is in a traditional area with strict building restrictions. "With adjacent houses close to the property line on the east and west sides, the backyard to the north, and narrow side of the lot facing south, the sunny part of the lot was at its center so that is where we put the outdoor spaces," Balaban says. In lieu of a lawn, permeable pavers add a practical and green element to the landscaping.  Photo 2 of 9 in A Minimal, Metal-Clad Montreal House With A Hidden Courtyard by Diana Budds

A Minimal, Metal-Clad Montreal House With A Hidden Courtyard

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The house is in a traditional area with strict building restrictions. "With adjacent houses close to the property line on the east and west sides, the backyard to the north, and narrow side of the lot facing south, the sunny part of the lot was at its center so that is where we put the outdoor spaces," Balaban says. In lieu of a lawn, permeable pavers add a practical and green element to the landscaping.