Modern Noir

Submitted by Richard Chritz

Designer's statement:

"I love the style of graphic novels. I think they are an important part of modern day art, so initially I was going for a high contrast black & white design. Nothing to me is more iconic of a city as it's skyline. So I stuck to a simple imitation of each city. Afterwards I saw it needed the city names still and some color, so I went with a colorful "branding" in the bottom. I feel overall it fits a European vibe."  Photo 7 of 11 in coolcapitals Cool Case Finalists by Ralston O'Neill

coolcapitals Cool Case Finalists

7 of 11

Modern Noir

Submitted by Richard Chritz

Designer's statement:

"I love the style of graphic novels. I think they are an important part of modern day art, so initially I was going for a high contrast black & white design. Nothing to me is more iconic of a city as it's skyline. So I stuck to a simple imitation of each city. Afterwards I saw it needed the city names still and some color, so I went with a colorful "branding" in the bottom. I feel overall it fits a European vibe."