To explain their aesthetic taste and vision to the architects, Dunlop and his wife created a scrapbook of inspiration images, including ripped-out pages from design magazines, photos, Polaroids of furniture they'd picked up at flea markets, and images of Stefan's paintings—"to show that the artwork came first and the furnishings weren't necessarily going to match the couch." This pool was inspired by concrete Sao Paulo houses they loved and included in their inspiration book.  Photo 7 of 22 in Coolest Homes for Artists & Art Collectors June 12, 2012 by Jaime Gillin from An Architect's Tips for Keeping Your Electric Bills Down

Coolest Homes for Artists & Art Collectors June 12, 2012

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To explain their aesthetic taste and vision to the architects, Dunlop and his wife created a scrapbook of inspiration images, including ripped-out pages from design magazines, photos, Polaroids of furniture they'd picked up at flea markets, and images of Stefan's paintings—"to show that the artwork came first and the furnishings weren't necessarily going to match the couch." This pool was inspired by concrete Sao Paulo houses they loved and included in their inspiration book.