Pernille Snedker Hansen’s Marbellous wood made a big impact on design blogs and Pinterest boards around the world when she launched it in 2011. For Maison & Objet, the Danish Drafts Collection CC16 exhibited a series of tongue-and-groove marbled wood panels, which Hansen designed to clad a cabin in the forest.  Photo 13 of 15 in Into the Woods at Maison & Objet 2012 by Ali Morris

Into the Woods at Maison & Objet 2012

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Pernille Snedker Hansen’s Marbellous wood made a big impact on design blogs and Pinterest boards around the world when she launched it in 2011. For Maison & Objet, the Danish Drafts Collection CC16 exhibited a series of tongue-and-groove marbled wood panels, which Hansen designed to clad a cabin in the forest.