A wood-burning stove that had occupied the clients’ previous home now dominates the bungalow’s main room. “It’s the heart of the house and serves for cooking as well as for heating,” Klauser says. The space is filled with furniture purchased in antique stores or crafted by the residents themselves, though the cooking table was made by a local metalworker.  Photo 10 of 13 in Kitchens with Killer Views by Andrea Smith from Peaceful Bungalow Makes for a Dream Retirement Home

Kitchens with Killer Views

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A wood-burning stove that had occupied the clients’ previous home now dominates the bungalow’s main room. “It’s the heart of the house and serves for cooking as well as for heating,” Klauser says. The space is filled with furniture purchased in antique stores or crafted by the residents themselves, though the cooking table was made by a local metalworker.