"There are so many ways to approach design," Ruddick says. "I think my philosophy might be that you approach each project as you would approach raising a child: not expecting it to be like any other; (mostly) respecting given rules and making up some of your own; making sure that there is substance and rigor but also joy." She designed an indoor garden at the midtown New York Bank of America building (above).  Photo 2 of 6 in Landscape Stewardship at Dwell on Design New York by Diana Budds

Landscape Stewardship at Dwell on Design New York

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"There are so many ways to approach design," Ruddick says. "I think my philosophy might be that you approach each project as you would approach raising a child: not expecting it to be like any other; (mostly) respecting given rules and making up some of your own; making sure that there is substance and rigor but also joy." She designed an indoor garden at the midtown New York Bank of America building (above).