MakerBots was also exhibiting in the Fiesta Hall, with three Thing-O-Matics on display. The rapid-prototyping machines are robots that melt plastic and reform it into small items like plastic gears of small toys. Machines such as these used to cost tens of thousands of dollars, but now companies like MakerBot have brought the price down to just over $1,000.  Photo 8 of 17 in Maker Faire 2011 by Miyoko Ohtake

Maker Faire 2011

8 of 17

MakerBots was also exhibiting in the Fiesta Hall, with three Thing-O-Matics on display. The rapid-prototyping machines are robots that melt plastic and reform it into small items like plastic gears of small toys. Machines such as these used to cost tens of thousands of dollars, but now companies like MakerBot have brought the price down to just over $1,000.