Collection by Miyoko Ohtake

Outside the Box: Cardboard Design

Cardboard has fully wiggled out of its boxy stereotype (Frank Gehry's 1971 Wiggle Chair is early evidence) and today plays a role in everything from packaging and product design to furniture and architecture. A new book by London-based Black Dog Publishing released this fall celebrated the corrugated material by featuring it in its many new contexts. Here we take a peak inside the book, Outside the Box: Cardboard Design Now. As author Michael Czerwinski says in the introduction, "cardboard is now fully empowered and primed as a creative medium, design solution, or eco warrior."

MeBox by Graphic Thought Facility
MeBox by Graphic Thought Facility
Botanical Carden by Postcarden
Botanical Carden by Postcarden
Georgia Sideboard by Reinhard Dienes
Georgia Sideboard by Reinhard Dienes
Billy Rocker by Mr Kalinski
Billy Rocker by Mr Kalinski
Vasareley Pavilion by Shigeru Ban
Vasareley Pavilion by Shigeru Ban
Urban Farm by WORKac
Urban Farm by WORKac