Outdoor and Garden Rooftop Sunpower X-Series solar panels installed by Creative Energies of Victor, Idaho, generate about a third of the energy for the house over the course of the year. On clear, sunny summer days, they can provide energy for the entire house. Another green feature, the planted roof, was inspired by a trip to Norway.  Photo 1 of 6 in These 6 Energy-Efficient Homes Soak Up the Sun by Heather Corcoran from A Custom, LED-Lit Slide Twists Through This Family-Friendly Vacation Home

These 6 Energy-Efficient Homes Soak Up the Sun

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When building their dream retreat in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Steve and Alexi Conine worked with architect Brad Hoyt to create a smart house that fused technology and design. Rooftop Sunpower X-Series solar panels generate about a third of the energy for the house over the course of the year. On clear, sunny summer days, they can provide energy for the entire house.

Rooftop Sunpower X-Series solar panels installed by Creative Energies of Victor, Idaho, generate about a third of the energy for the house over the course of the year. On clear, sunny summer days, they can provide energy for the entire house. Another green feature, the planted roof, was inspired by a trip to Norway.