Installation view of Book Show, 2010. Photo by Stuart Whipps. "Werkplaats (Wanted: All missing, lost, found, overdue, borrowed, stolen, hijacked publications from the Werkplaats Typografie library. Items should be sent to the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, 1111 Eighth Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, between 20 January and February 5, 2011. Read or Alive.)," 2010-2011.  Photo 6 of 6 in Wide White Space by Jaime Gillin

Wide White Space

6 of 6

Installation view of Book Show, 2010. Photo by Stuart Whipps. "Werkplaats (Wanted: All missing, lost, found, overdue, borrowed, stolen, hijacked publications from the Werkplaats Typografie library. Items should be sent to the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, 1111 Eighth Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, between 20 January and February 5, 2011. Read or Alive.)," 2010-2011.