Bedroom, Bed, Chair, Pendant Lighting, Medium Hardwood Floor, Night Stands, and Rug Floor Constructed in 1909, the building was named for its original occupants, The Free Methodist Publishing House, before it became the Museum of Holography, and was bought by the new owners in 2012. They tapped Nushu Architecture and contractor Vero Design + Build for a renovation of the structure to include 11 bedrooms, a capacious communal area, a kitchen, and a fully-equipped lounge.  Photo 2 of 7 in The Publishing House from A New Chicago Bed-and-Breakfast Occupies a Former Publishing House

The Publishing House

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Constructed in 1909, the building was named for its original occupants, The Free Methodist Publishing House, before it became the Museum of Holography, and was bought by the new owners in 2012. They tapped Nushu Architecture and contractor Vero Design + Build for a renovation of the structure to include 11 bedrooms, a capacious communal area, a kitchen, and a fully-equipped lounge.