Windows Year round grey water gardens include figs, inca berries, pineapple, mango, lime, sweet potatoes, pineapple sage, tomatoes, rosemary, thyme, lavender, basil, mint, grapes, aloe, bananas, bamboo and many more. Outdoor blackwater cell supports russian olive, honeycrisp apple and macintosh apple trees, lilac and russian sage and apache plume.  Photo 13 of 14 in Vallecitos Earthship by Jessica Johnson

Vallecitos Earthship

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Year round grey water gardens include figs, inca berries, pineapple, mango, lime, sweet potatoes, pineapple sage, tomatoes, rosemary, thyme, lavender, basil, mint, grapes, aloe, bananas, bamboo and many more. Outdoor blackwater cell supports russian olive, honeycrisp apple and macintosh apple trees, lilac and russian sage and apache plume.