Project posted by Agnieszka Jakubowicz

Woodside Residence

Guest bathroom features white built-in cabinetry
Guest bathroom features white built-in cabinetry
Wood paneling in the powder room is a traditional element but with a very contemporary finish.
Wood paneling in the powder room is a traditional element but with a very contemporary finish.
Pocket door in the powder room.
Pocket door in the powder room.
Skylights provide plenty of natural light for the kitchen.
Skylights provide plenty of natural light for the kitchen.
Door casement ads a luxury finish to the space.
Door casement ads a luxury finish to the space.
The main kitchen space hugs the corner for added work and storage space.
The main kitchen space hugs the corner for added work and storage space.
Around the corner from the kitchen, bar area conveniently faces the living room.
Around the corner from the kitchen, bar area conveniently faces the living room.
Contemporary treatment of traditional materials: living room fireplace is clad in a stone-like tiles.
Contemporary treatment of traditional materials: living room fireplace is clad in a stone-like tiles.
TV can be easily hidden out of site behind the wall panel.
TV can be easily hidden out of site behind the wall panel.
Ceiling beams in the living room.
Ceiling beams in the living room.
Master bedroom walls are covered with grass cloth wallpaper.
Master bedroom walls are covered with grass cloth wallpaper.
Office features a custom continuous desk and bookcase that maximizes the available workspace.
Office features a custom continuous desk and bookcase that maximizes the available workspace.
Custom-designed storage and entertainment fixtures create family gathering spaces in the Wooodside Residence.
Custom-designed storage and entertainment fixtures create family gathering spaces in the Wooodside Residence.



From Agnieszka Jakubowicz

Complete home remodel in Woodside, CA