The project addresses an age-old conundrum of meditation, says Headspace co-founder Rich Pierson: "How do you make an intangible exercise, tangible?" Oyler Wu responded with a characteristically forward-thinking concept, one that envelops users in undulating folds that were inspired by natural geological formations.  Photo 2 of 4 in New Meditation Pods Offer a Small but Much-Needed Oasis of Calm by Luke Hopping

New Meditation Pods Offer a Small but Much-Needed Oasis of Calm

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The project addresses an age-old conundrum of meditation, says Headspace co-founder Rich Pierson: "How do you make an intangible exercise, tangible?" Oyler Wu responded with a characteristically forward-thinking concept, one that envelops users in undulating folds that were inspired by natural geological formations.