Punch Needle Art Workshop

Punch Needle Art Workshop


Put a modern spin on a centuries-old craft with our punch needle kit and workshop by fiber artist Arounna Khounnoraj of Bookhou. Using a canvas stretched with natural monk’s cloth, you’ll learn to create a work of art—but instead of paints and brushes, you’ll use yarn and a handmade wooden punch needle tool from Amy Oxford, inventor of this rug hooking variation.

This workshop takes you through the punch needle process from start to finish, from creating a pattern to threading your tool to the proper punching techniques. By the end of Arounna’s step-by-step instruction, you’ll have a beautiful new piece of wall art—and the know-how for making more.

This workshop includes: 

  • A detailed, digital workshop by Arounna Khounnoraj
  • A live and recorded Maker Chat Q&A for our community to join in creative conversation
  • Tools and materials to create a canvas art piece for your wall 

The specialty tools and materials in our punch needle kit include: 

  • 12-by-12-inch frame stretched in natural monk’s cloth 
  • Three colors of our Lana yarn (in Aegean, Pumpkin and Golden) 
  • Size 10 handmade wooden punch needle tool (in collaboration with Amy Oxford)
  • Mini snips