Dwell Media recently joined Swedish luxury automobile manufacturer Volvo for Modernism Week in Palm Springs. Among the fantastic reveals? Designer Alvin Huang’s Pure Tension Pavilion, a rapidly deployable and portable solar charging station created to power up Volvo’s V60 Plug-in Hybrid, the world’s first Diesel Plug-in Hybrid. The free-standing tensioned membrane structure, made from Fabric Images fabric architecture, is the result of a Volvo contest. It fits in the trunk and shades the car while it charges.

Of the technological shifts that have propelled our means of mobility, Huang said, "When the car first came about, we used to call it the horseless carriage; we don't really think about the fact that there used to be a horse. So right now, we're calling it a hybrid car, and I don't really know what it's going to be later, but I have a feeling it may not be a car."  Search “contests” from Mobility and Technology

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Dwell Media recently joined Swedish luxury automobile manufacturer Volvo for Modernism Week in Palm Springs. Among the fantastic reveals? Designer Alvin Huang’s Pure Tension Pavilion, a rapidly deployable and portable solar charging station created to power up Volvo’s V60 Plug-in Hybrid, the world’s first Diesel Plug-in Hybrid. The free-standing tensioned membrane structure, made from Fabric Images fabric architecture, is the result of a Volvo contest. It fits in the trunk and shades the car while it charges.

Of the technological shifts that have propelled our means of mobility, Huang said, "When the car first came about, we used to call it the horseless carriage; we don't really think about the fact that there used to be a horse. So right now, we're calling it a hybrid car, and I don't really know what it's going to be later, but I have a feeling it may not be a car."