Erika: LA Liber Anicorum

L.A. street art has had a couple of boosts of late: This week the city council voted to lift a decade-old ban on outdoor murals, and last month the Getty Research Institute created LA Liber Amicorum, a book that binds together 143 works on paper from more than 150 of Los Angeles's leading street artists. From the Getty: “The title and the spirit of the book were inspired by a 400-year-old manuscript in the Getty Research Institute's collections, a liber amicorum ("book of friends"), which was originally bound with blank leaves that multiple contributors then filled with illuminated coats of arms, watercolors, poetry, and calligraphy as mementos for the owner.”

To view a gallery of all the images in LA Liber Amicorum, visit the Getty Conservation Institute page.  Search “meet-the-architects-la” from Friday Finds 08.30.13

Search “meet-the-architects-la”

Erika: LA Liber Anicorum

L.A. street art has had a couple of boosts of late: This week the city council voted to lift a decade-old ban on outdoor murals, and last month the Getty Research Institute created LA Liber Amicorum, a book that binds together 143 works on paper from more than 150 of Los Angeles's leading street artists. From the Getty: “The title and the spirit of the book were inspired by a 400-year-old manuscript in the Getty Research Institute's collections, a liber amicorum ("book of friends"), which was originally bound with blank leaves that multiple contributors then filled with illuminated coats of arms, watercolors, poetry, and calligraphy as mementos for the owner.”

To view a gallery of all the images in LA Liber Amicorum, visit the Getty Conservation Institute page.