Project posted by Pablo Casals Aguirre


From Pablo Casals Aguirre

The Barco Santa Lucía Building is an emblematic architectural structure located in Santiago, Chile. This construction stands out for its unique design that evokes the shape of a ship and its location next to the emblematic Cerro Santa Lucía.
The Building is characterized by its distinctive shape reminiscent of the prow of a ship. Its façade is clad in glass panels, giving it a modern and elegant appearance. The structure stands on several levels, creating a sense of movement and dynamism. The location of the building in the vicinity of Cerro Santa Lucía provides impressive panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. This privileged location also allows the building to integrate harmoniously with the surrounding urban and natural landscape. Inside it houses a variety of functional spaces, including offices, shops, restaurants and entertainment areas. These spaces are designed to be modern and welcoming, with architectural details that reflect the theme of the ship, such as curved shapes and flowing lines. The building has large areas of glass on the facades to maximize the entry of natural light and provide panoramic views from the interior. In addition, terraces and balconies have been integrated on different levels, which offer outdoor spaces for the occupants to enjoy the surroundings and the pleasant climate of Santiago.

The night lighting of the Building is another outstanding aspect of its architectural design. Strategically placed lights enhance the building's form and details, creating a striking visual effect and highlighting its presence in the urban landscape.