Bath Collection: Behind the Design + Styling Tips

Breaking: We expanded our Bath Collection in a big way! Elevate your bathroom – and your everyday routine – with our new Shower Curtains (Turkish or Waffle), Looped Bath Rug, Classic Tub Mat (plus Shower Curtain Liner and Rings for the whole kit and caboodle).
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Made using the most innovative technologies and best Turkish cotton, these items were designed with form and function in mind. Our Product and Photoshoot teams took some time to answer the hard-hitting questions – like what makes these Tub Mats so fluffy, what’s trending in bathroom decor and why the secret to capturing Towels on camera is in the lighting. Go behind the ‘seams’ now… 

Keep your floor dry when exiting the shower; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

Keep your floor dry when exiting the shower; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

Describe the significance of these new Bath items and how they contribute to our Bath category overall. 

Amy, Creative Director: The new products help to complete our assortment of Bath essentials. We’re giving people something to step on (Looped Bath Rug and Classic Bath Mat) – and the Shower Curtain offers a finishing touch. 

What makes our new Bath products stand out from competitors? Don’t be bashful… 

Amy: The fact that they’re Parachute, obviously! 

Meghan, Product Development Manager: The Aerocotton technology. Fibers are spun so air passes through the cotton, and this makes our towels extremely soft – especially when compared to our competitors. Parachute is one of the few brands using this extraordinary technology, and it makes exceptionally absorbent, quick drying Towels. 

Fact: You can never have too many Towels; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute

Fact: You can never have too many Towels; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute

The Looped Bath Rug uses Tricotton weaving. Please explain… 

Amy: Tricotton is similar to the technology behind Aerocotton. In this process, fibers are woven to create yarns with larger surface areas, giving Towels superior absorbency. Because the Looped Bath Rug is chunkier than the Classic Bath Mat, the manufacturer suggested this technique. It has the same properties as Aerocotton, but provides additional mass for this heavier piece.

We love the fringe hem on the Turkish Shower Curtain. How is this design achieved and what inspired this decorative touch? 

Amy: The hand knotted fringe is an extension of the Shower Curtain pattern. The stripes are carried through horizontally, while the warp (woven yarn) moves vertically. The hem extends the warp. 

Meghan: Turkish fouta details are back in style, and we thought a Shower Curtain was the ideal way to display the decorative accent. 

The Turkish Shower Curtain features a fetching, hand-knotted fringe hem; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

The Turkish Shower Curtain features a fetching, hand-knotted fringe hem; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

This new Bath assortment includes a Classic Tub Mat and a Looped Bath Rug. What’s the difference between the two, and how should each be used? 

Amy: The Classic Tub Mat is designed to keep your bathroom floor dry and your toes warm when stepping out of the bath. The Looped Bath Rug is more of a decorative piece that adds style as well as comfort. Both have the same absorbency and drying qualities! The Classic Tub Mat can be elevated to dry when not in use, while the Looped Bath Rug is more of a staple on the floor in your bathroom decor. 

What’s trending for bathrooms in 2017? 

Amy: Plants! People want to create a sanctuary that is calm, natural and streamlined – foliage has the serene quality people are seeking. 

Meghan: Anything light and bright – people want to keep decor minimal. 

Classic Bathrobes, for lounging before or after your bathing rituals; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

Classic Bathrobes, for lounging before or after your bathing rituals; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

Your favorite bathroom organization item is… 

Meghan: Drawers! I use bamboo baskets to store everything from toiletries to Towels. I want the space to be pretty and functional. 

Describe the photo shoot production planning. How did you conceptualize this shoot and what were the key objectives? 

Amy: Since this is an extension of our current Bath Collection, we wanted to capture all the products together in a realistic yet stylish way – which meant shooting at the same aspect ratio as our Bedding. We also wanted the bathroom to feel like part of the same loft that our other essentials are shot in. Our phenomenal builders, Nick Faiella and Mark Makos, were able to construct the set in a week! They went to a salvage yard and found the amazing steel case window featured in the shot. After painting the window white and adding a faux brick, it made our loft’s bathroom come to life. 

With a custom built set you can see each each item in a long shot – just like our Bedding photography; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

With a custom built set you can see each each item in a long shot – just like our Bedding photography; Source: Nicole LaMotte/Parachute 

How would you describe the vibe of the shoot in three words? 

Amy: Minimalism with character. It’s our go-to vibe. 

What notes did you give to the stylist and photographer for this particular shoot? 

Amy: I was immediately drawn to the idea of using a big white tub. I thought a clawfoot would complement the features of the industrial loft. Our products are very modern – I wanted to avoid making every aspect of the room too sleek. Otherwise, I let Scott Horne (our Prop Stylist) and Nicole LaMotte (Photographer) take the reigns. They always know what we’re thinking and deliver exactly what we need. 

A true behind-the-scenes moment featuring our crew and custom built set; Source: Nicole LaMotte

A true behind-the-scenes moment featuring our crew and custom built set; Source: Nicole LaMotte

How is shooting on set different from an actual bathroom? What adjustments need to be made? 

Nicole, Photographer: Shooting in a studio, in many ways, is much easier. The lighting is controlled and therefore consistent throughout the day. As an added bonus, I’m not backed into a corner. While Baby may never get put in a corner, photographers always do! Having the space to back off and choose the lens that is most appropriate for the setting and product is a luxury. I’m usually up against a wall and can barely squeeze my head behind the camera. 

What’s your secret to capturing the fluffy texture of our Towels? 

Nicole: Much like the Bedding, capturing the texture is about lighting. In general, side light that rakes across the surface is going to reveal the most texture. Again, being able to manage that in a studio situation gives us much greater control and consistency throughout the shots. 

Any tips on shooting interiors for the newbies out there? 

Nicole: One of my biggest pet peeves is when people shoot down on their subject. If you are shooting a chair, squat so you are eye level with it! When you look down on something you create converging lines and distortion. Also, exposure can be tricky when dealing with a lot of backlight, which can create darkness in your shot. Some apps, like Camera +, let you compensate for that quite nicely. 

What’s your favorite memory from the shoot? 

Nicole: Aside from the laughs we always share, my favorite memory is being gifted Looped Bath Rugs. I can’t wait to get them into my bathrooms and throw out all others. Seriously…I was not paid to say that.   

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We make modern Bedding and Bath essentials for a more comfortable home. Our products are designed in Venice Beach and responsibly manufactured by the world’s best artisans.


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