How to Cultivate an Indoor Oasis, According to the Duo Behind a Beloved Plant Shop

Adam Besheer and Rebecca Bullene, who own Greenery Unlimited, give their tips and tricks for bringing the outside in.
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Adam Besheer and Rebecca Bullene are the husband and wife founders of Greenery Unlimited, a biophilic design store and online plant nursery offering potted plant delivery to the New York City area. The duo is proud to offer a wide selection of plants, planters, tools, and accessories to their growing clientele. We spoke with Adam and Rebecca about the benefits of bringing nature indoors, and how to create beautiful, low-maintenance spaces back home.

Rebecca Bullene and Adam Besheer are the cofounders of Greenery Unlimited.

Rebecca Bullene and Adam Besheer are the cofounders of Greenery Unlimited.

On Crafting the Perfect Vessel

"We spent almost ten years working with virtually every planter on the market. What we realized was that almost every good looking planter wasn’t horticulturally sound, and almost every horticulturally sound vessel wasn’t good looking. We designed our patented self-watering system to bridge the gap between both worlds in order to make a vessel that pops on the shelf but makes killing your plants almost impossible. This collaboration between us and Light + Ladder is our latest offering in this line and something we’re beyond excited about."

Greenery Unlimited x Light + Ladder Fondra Self-Watering Pot
Greenery Unlimited x Light + Ladder Fondra Self-Watering Pot
Introducing the world’s first procedurally generated self-watering planter: Fondra, a collaboration between Light+Ladder and Greenery Unlimited. This graceful vessel is equal parts form and function and offers the optimal environment for plants to grow.

"Sustainability is always in the forefront of our decision making process. The average shelf life of most of the large pots we’ve worked with is two to five years. Fiber, clay, and concrete planters are prone to cracking, and while the texture is nice to look at the reality is the material these pots are made out of doesn’t decay, so when they get thrown out they end up in a landfill for eternity. We doubled down on trying to make a ‘heritage quality’ pot, meaning the style is meant to be simple enough to not go out of vogue, and the material is made of marine-grade fiberglass to last a lifetime and beyond. Our pots come with an optional matching saucer, and are suited for indoor or outdoor use."

Greenery Unlimited Wythe 40 Large Planter
Greenery Unlimited Wythe 40 Large Planter
As professional botanic designers for over a decade, we've spent countless hours searching for large planters that are both horticulturally sound and able to meet the high design standards of our clients.

The One Neat Trick for Keeping Your Plants Thriving

"Here’s a trade secret: plants love light. Plants we consider ‘low light’ plants still need light to process nutrients, and low maintenance stalwarts like ZZs and snake plants are just better at dying slowly. Thankfully, LED technology has progressed leaps and bounds in the past decade, and high quality lights that are pleasant to be around are bountiful and cheap. Best of all, these bulbs fit into a standard light socket, so you can use virtually any fixture with them.

"Don’t get suckered in by expensive ‘plant lights’ as it’s generally just a marketing ploy. The thing you’re looking for is a high lumen output and high CRI, which is approximately how close the color of the light is to the sun. This is the single best thing you can do for your plant indoors if it’s not directly in a south facing window."

Sansi Grow Light 15W LED
Sansi Grow Light 15W LED
Sansi grow light bulbs are an excellent way to provide supplemental light to indoor plants.

"Once you have a light, you need to plug it into a timer. The rough rule of thumb is your plant needs ten to twelve hours a day, and you definitely don’t want to be responsible for turning the light off and on yourself. A smart timer is an affordable product that won’t need to be reset if it accidentally gets unplugged. We use these everywhere."

GHome Mini WiFi Smart Plug
GHome Mini WiFi Smart Plug
Make your home smarter, manage your home appliance smartly. A Must Have smart plugs with app for relaxed smart life. 

"Overwatering is one of the most common reasons plants perish. For larger plants, and for plants potted in containers without drainage, this can be a difficult thing to assess. Our soil probe is made of anti-microbial brass that can take soil samples from the bottom of your planter and also aerate the soil in the process."

Greenery Unlimited Monitor Brass Soil Probe
Greenery Unlimited Monitor Brass Soil Probe
Know what's happening below the surface! Soil probes are excellent tools to understand the condition of your soil and when it is time to water. Overwatering is the most common reason plants perish, especially in planters without drainage holes.

On the Care and Maintenance of Your Plant Children 

"Light is the energy a plant uses to process water and nutrients, but a plant still needs nutrients. This low-grade fertilizer is great because it doesn’t have a scent and is low in salt buildup. We use it about twice a month on our plants."

Nature's Source All Purpose Plant Food
Nature's Source All Purpose Plant Food
Easy, economical, and effective, this is the perfect choice for the time-challenged home gardener looking for a more sustainable plant food.

"Dust is going to accumulate on your plants’ leaves over time. Cleaning them can be a hassle, especially with more traditional spray bottles or spritzers which have a tendency to break easily. Our airless spray mister emits an aerosol-like spray with minimal effort, making it easy to reach the nooks and crannies of your plant."

Greenery Unlimited Airless Fine Spray Mister
Greenery Unlimited Airless Fine Spray Mister
Far superior to other misters, the Airless Fine Spray Mister produces aerosol-like mist in a reusable, non-pressurized container.

Their Favorite Creature Comforts

"Cotton is undoubtedly the most comfortable fabric to sleep with. We love the quality and commitment to organic and fair trade agriculture of Coyuchi. This hand-stitched quilt is so comfortable in all seasons and the texture adds a great natural quality to our bedroom."

Coyuchi Manzanita Organic Handstitched Quilt
Coyuchi Manzanita Organic Handstitched Quilt
Inspired by the sculptural art of basket-weaving, this organic cotton quilt mimics the imperfect, organic curves of nature. Handstitched kantha thread is quilted throughout, creating a reversible product with contrast stitching that stands out against the undyed backing* (*white is monochrome).

"Eating and drinking from beautiful ceramics is such a pleasure. We are longtime East Fork fans—especially the bowls. From cereal to  ice cream to soup, they’ve got something for everyone and every meal. We enjoy having beautiful objects in our home and appreciate that they are made from locally-sourced materials in Asheville, North Carolina."

East Fork Breakfast Bowl
East Fork Breakfast Bowl
The perfect bowl for little snacks, light breakfasts, just about anything served to little eaters. 
East Fork Ice Cream Bowl
East Fork Ice Cream Bowl
The obvious choice for eating ice cream in the bathtub. 
East Fork Popcorn Bowl
East Fork Popcorn Bowl
The right size bowl for all the popcorn it takes to binge watch Game of Thrones with your sweetie. Makes a great mixing bowl or serving bowl for a crowd of 4–8.

"We split our time between Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and our small farm in the Hudson Valley. During the pandemic we discovered the magic of pickling our own home-grown organic veggies from the farm and we are obsessed! We eat our homemade pickles on just about everything these days. This kit makes it so easy to ferment all different kinds of veggies. The comfort of eating organic, home-grown food year round is second to none."

FarmSteady Fermented Vegetable Kit
FarmSteady Fermented Vegetable Kit
Lacto-fermenting vegetables (think classic dill pickles or sauerkraut) used to be all about food preservation and eating out-of-season produce, but it can mean so much more.

"As designers of both products and architectural spaces, a question we always ask ourselves is ‘How do we build something to last?’ The Le Creuset dutch oven is not only a design inspiration to us, but something we use almost every single day. You will need to buy exactly one of these pots in your life. Choose a color you’re going to like."

Le Creuset Round Dutch Oven
Le Creuset Round Dutch Oven
The iconic Le Creuset Dutch oven is indispensable in the kitchens of home cooks and professional chefs alike. Long recognized for its strength and durability, cast iron is the prime material for slow-cooking, braising and roasting, thanks to its ability to maintain even and consistent heat.

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