Built high up in the hills and linked to the rest of the city by one of its cable car lines—Medellín has the only metro system in the country—Comuna 13 was once one of the most violent neighborhoods. Community leaders have stepped up to create opportunities for kids in art and music, and now it’s a popular tourist destination where the main attraction is a constantly evolving landscape of graffiti and hip hop (and I mean constantly—a mural I took a photo in front of was painted over mere hours later). The city installed six orange-roofed escalators in the neighborhood in 2011, cutting through the maze of narrow streets and alleyways that are inaccessible by car.  Photo 18 of 19 in Here’s Why You Should Be Paying Close Attention to Colombia’s Design Scene

Here’s Why You Should Be Paying Close Attention to Colombia’s Design Scene

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Built high up in the hills and linked to the rest of the city by one of its cable car lines—Medellín has the only metro system in the country—Comuna 13 was once one of the most violent neighborhoods. Community leaders have stepped up to create opportunities for kids in art and music, and now it’s a popular tourist destination where the main attraction is a constantly evolving landscape of graffiti and hip hop (and I mean constantly—a mural I took a photo in front of was painted over mere hours later). The city installed six orange-roofed escalators in the neighborhood in 2011, cutting through the maze of narrow streets and alleyways that are inaccessible by car.