Outdoor, Large Pools, Tubs, Shower, Concrete Fences, Wall, Trees, Back Yard, and Horizontal Fences, Wall The colors of this home are like wrapping paper: bright, cheery and unabashed (even the exterior doors are painted in a striking yellow). Plus, when guests stay at this open one-bedroom, one-bathroom retreat, they’ll leave with a custom gift made by a local artist. This rental includes several amenities such as a pool and bicycles for riding into town.  Photos from 15 Picture-Perfect Airbnbs in Palm Springs Starting at $119 a Night


The colors of this home are like wrapping paper: bright, cheery and unabashed (even the exterior doors are painted in a striking yellow). Plus, when guests stay at this open one-bedroom, one-bathroom retreat, they’ll leave with a custom gift made by a local artist. This rental includes several amenities such as a pool and bicycles for riding into town.