What may look like a couple of piles of colorful rubber bands are in fact kitchen scrubbing cloths made from some surprising natural materials. Recycled corn cobs compose the coarse yellow one and the gentler red version is made from peach pits; Both can be used for months without wearing out, and apparently no dishsoap is needed (!) to clean your tableware.  Photo 7 of 8 in What a Chore: 8 Modern Cleaning Tools by Megan Hamaker

What a Chore: 8 Modern Cleaning Tools

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What may look like a couple of piles of colorful rubber bands are in fact kitchen scrubbing cloths made from some surprising natural materials. Recycled corn cobs compose the coarse yellow one and the gentler red version is made from peach pits; Both can be used for months without wearing out, and apparently no dishsoap is needed (!) to clean your tableware.