Project posted by Greenblott Design
Playroom - Custom Stage/Reading Nook
Playroom - Custom Stage/Reading Nook
In a home in Los Angeles, a child's bedroom has been outfitted with custom carpeting and millwork, a reading nook under a staircase, a mini door and window, and a magnetic chalkboard wall.
In a home in Los Angeles, a child's bedroom has been outfitted with custom carpeting and millwork, a reading nook under a staircase, a mini door and window, and a magnetic chalkboard wall.
Playroom - Enter ToyHouse
Playroom - Enter ToyHouse
Girl's Bedroom
Girl's Bedroom
Girl's Bedroom
Girl's Bedroom
Boy's Bedroom
Boy's Bedroom
Boy's Bedroom
Boy's Bedroom
Baby's Bedroom
Baby's Bedroom
Baby's Bedroom - Balloon Light Detail
Baby's Bedroom - Balloon Light Detail
Baby's Closet
Baby's Closet
Baby's Room - Wall Detail
Baby's Room - Wall Detail
Living Room - Sectional Detail
Living Room - Sectional Detail
Living Room - Sectional Detail
Living Room - Sectional Detail


Interior Design
Landscape Design

From Greenblott Design

The Fun House is a testament to the Client-Designer Relationship. Every room is personalized to family members both private and shared spaces. Boy / Girl / Baby Rooms are playfully themed with colorful wallpaper and textured carpet. The Playroom is the pièce de résistance, the product of hours of collaboration.