Modern Sprout Garden Jar Herb Kit

Modern Sprout Garden Jar Herb Kit


We always seem to find bundles of wilted, forgotten herbs at the bottom of our crisper drawer. Save that basil a slow, painful death and exercise your green thumb at the same time with easy-to-use garden jar herb kits. You’ll have your own fresh herbs that you can snip from whenever you need a sprinkling of the good stuff! 

The jar is outfitted with a passive hydroponic system, which is a fancy way of saying it waters itself (no fear of over- or under-watering here!) The kit comes with everything you need to get to growing, all you provide is water and a sunny spot to set it in. Each kit comes with a quart-size mason jar to plant in, seeds, plant food, a stainless steel net pot, a bag of grow medium, coco pith disk, activated carbon, polypro wick, and simple instructions. 

Choose a single kit for growing basil, parsley, oregano, mint, cilantro, or pansies. Or opt for the set of 5, which includes basil, parsley, oregano, sage, and cilantro. While the mint is out stock, sage will be shipped to replace the mint. 

 Wire stand pictured is not included with the individual kits or the set of 5. 

Each Kit Contains: 

  • Stainless Steel Net Pot 
  • Recycled Glass Grow Medium 
  • Polypro Wick 
  • Coco Pith Disk 
  • Activated Carbon 
  • Water Reservoir 
  • Plant Food 
  • Non-GMO Seeds

photo Courtesy of Food52