Outdoor, Shrubs, Garden, Trees, Side Yard, Hardscapes, Walkways, Gardens, Small Pools, Tubs, Shower, Standard Construction Pools, Tubs, Shower, Wood Patio, Porch, Deck, Plunge Pools, Tubs, Shower, Small Patio, Porch, Deck, Decking Patio, Porch, Deck, and Landscape Lighting Even small gardens can have a big impact with the right design. Bold features at the end of a path accentuates the long view of the garden while groupings of similar plant species help create a sense of space by unifying a textural, heavily planted garden.  Photo 14 of 18 in Von Phister by Craig Reynolds Landscape Architecture

Von Phister

14 of 18

Even small gardens can have a big impact with the right design. Bold features at the end of a path accentuates the long view of the garden while groupings of similar plant species help create a sense of space by unifying a textural, heavily planted garden.