A Sound Professional Goes DIY While Building an Affordable Montana Home
A resourceful sound mixer sources some local design talent, rolls up his sleeves, and builds small, green, and affordable in...
Adventures on Craigslist
No, not those kind of adventures, Mr. Casual Encounters. We’re talking about house hunting.
Tipple While You Work
The NewYorker is a savvy bit of furniture by Jen Turner that is at once a desk and a bar.
So you have a deadbeat tenant: Here’s how you get rid of ’em.
A Clean Break
Your fiancé’s place is ten times nicer than yours and you’re planning on moving in. If only you could get out of your lease.
An Introduction to Renting
The American Dream, some say, is all about owning a home.
Beach Reading
Looking for a little light literature to while away the hours? We suggest a quartet of (fictional) titles for the design minded.
All the Home’s a Stage
Whether you’re selling a hillside Neutra or a modest carpeted condo, home staging has become the norm in today’s uber-competitive...
Ski Lift
This New York turned ski bum took a little piece of the city to the mountains, and never looked back.