Will 3D Printing Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis?
3D printing’s impact on construction is slowly materializing.
A Startup Brings the Smart City to the Village
A water purifier, energy source, and Internet hub all in one.
An Energy Expert Explains How Solar Power Could De-Carbonize the Grid at Basically No Cost
Hal Harvey, the head of clean energy think tank, Energy Innovation, shares his vision for the future of solar power.
As the Cost of Panels Plummets, Energy Utilities Rethink Solar
Tech breakthroughs are bringing solar power to the people, and upsetting electric utilities' business models.
4 Home Security Systems to Try Now
Cheap microprocessors, easy communications, and ubiquitous smartphones make the “home of the future” a reality today.
Kiel Moe, assistant professor of architectural technology at Harvard University, specializes in architecture and energy issues.
Ian Tattersall, curator emeritus at the American Museum of Natural History, says that some anthropologists believe that we tamed...
Fire in the Home
Taming fire was humankind’s first and most critical step toward its mastery of the material world.
An Introduction to Lighting
One of the oldest proclamations in Western literature—maybe the very oldest, depending on how you see things—is “Let there be...
Electric Sandwich
So you’ve finally made the move from incandescent to CFLs only to learn that you’re well behind the LED wave.
Sunlight on Demand
Fiber-optic cables can be used to pipe and enhance sunlight into homes. Money is saved. The English rejoice.
Dim Some, Lose Some
Waste extends far beyond what winds up in the landfill.
Lumen on the Horizon
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel; this trio of design luminaries tells us precisely how it will work.
An Introduction to Manufacturing
If the design world feels like an endless parade of products, then the gnashing maws of industrial production assuredly underpin...