Resource Furniture is the original—and largest—source for cutting-edge, multi-functional living systems in North America, offering the most inspired and innovative furniture solutions available in the world for almost 20 years. With showrooms in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and Mexico City, Resource Furniture continues to define and revolutionize the industry by offering the most technologically innovative, space-saving, and sustainable products in the world—all of which transform any space with both beauty and functionality.

Big on Broadway, Small on Space: Inside the Studio of Actor Adam Kantor
Performer Adam Kantor shares how transforming pieces by Resource Furniture allow him to live large, even in 350 square feet.
Two Film Industry Veterans Flip the Script With a Suburb-to-City Move
While many established couples prefer the calm of the suburbs, Annette Van Duren and Alan Sacks make the unconventional move into...
Making Room for Baby (And You)
One of the biggest concerns expecting parents face is having enough space!