The door in the laundry room is the Marvin Elevate Swinging French Door, and was initially designed as a walkway out into a dog run. “We love dogs and we take into consideration most of our clients have dogs,” Becky says. “Typically, laundry rooms can be dark with no windows, no doors. It was an opportunity for us to bring some natural light into that space.  Photo 10 of 59 in Extension by Patrick Woods from Behind This Home’s Private Facade Is an Expansive Wall of Windows


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The door in the laundry room is the Marvin Elevate Swinging French Door, and was initially designed as a walkway out into a dog run. “We love dogs and we take into consideration most of our clients have dogs,” Becky says. “Typically, laundry rooms can be dark with no windows, no doors. It was an opportunity for us to bring some natural light into that space.