Original Interior Finish

The owner is a 20ish female, whose parents will come over sometimes. She wants an overall higher quality of living conditions and level of comfort but to control the budget and avoid changing the interior finish. After rounds of discussions, minimizing the adjustments to the plans, we decided to refine and reintegrate the interior space by prefabricating.  Photo 3 of 35 in Huangpu Riverside Luxurious Penthouse in Shanghai by KWSD

Huangpu Riverside Luxurious Penthouse in Shanghai

3 of 35

Original Interior Finish

The owner is a 20ish female, whose parents will come over sometimes. She wants an overall higher quality of living conditions and level of comfort but to control the budget and avoid changing the interior finish. After rounds of discussions, minimizing the adjustments to the plans, we decided to refine and reintegrate the interior space by prefabricating.