Neon blue 5'1" Twinsman (AP) surfboard by Album Surf
5'1" Twinsman (AP) by Album Surf
5'1" Twinsman (AP) by Album Surf

Asher Pacey's variation of the Twinsman. Wider and shorter with a fuller beak nose. User friendly speed, easy turns, and more waves without sacrificing performance. A board that you can really push on rail or just enjoy the easy down the line speed. Paddles and gets up to speed faster than a standard performance board, but doesn’t have the limitations of a traditional twin. Similar performance to the Twinsman Swallow, but in a more compact rail line. Ride it a few inches shorter than the Twinsman Swallow, but at the same volume.

5'1" Twinsman (AP) by Album Surf