Vitra Prouvé Cité Lounge Chair
Vitra Prouvé Cité Lounge Chair
Vitra Prouvé Cité Lounge Chair
Sold by Vitra

"Prouvé combines the soul of an engineer with that of an architect" -Le Corbusier

The Cité lounge chair is one of Prouvé's earlier furniture designs and it fits perfectly in the modern home where Prouvé himself used it. Jean Prouvé was a "constructeur" a builder and designer who created furniture that still looks crisply modern seventy years after they were designed. The Cité lounge has the trademark Prouvé rational-sculptural aesthetic courtesy of his formal engineering training. By sitting in this chair you are well on your way to discovering the sublime and sophisticated qualities that are unique to Prouvé designs. 

Photo Courtesy of Hive Modern

Vitra Prouvé Cité Lounge Chair