Budget Breakdown: He Singlehandedly Gave a ’76 Airstream a Redwood Reinvention for $180K
Buena Vista Van Co founder David Horner puts his skills to the test as he kits out a vintage camper for full-time living in Santa...
Wallpaper Your Way to a Whimsical Home With Rifle Paper Co.’s New Offerings
Rifle Paper Co. teams up with York Wallcoverings to bring you a glittering collection of fantastical wallpapers.
A Dramatic Copper Roof Funnels Light Into This Sculptural London Home Asking $7.6M
After a decade in the making, this largely subterranean home with a sculptural roof has hit the market for nearly $7.6 million.
A Compact Home in Moscow Built on the Lowest Possible Budget
A budget home embraces custom details fit for a family of five.
Snap Up This Converted Warehouse in London For $2.1M
Offering authentic loft living, this cleverly converted industrial home in East London is ideal for creative types.
Two Timber-Clad Pavilions Make Up This Australian Family Retreat
Nestled in the coastal Victoria region, this modern retreat caters to a three-generational family with members ranging from six...

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